Awards Database
Please note that while you can sort awards by your current status, it would be wise also to look at awards that you might pursue in the future.
Award Name![]() |
Award Information | Details | Special Considerations | Contact | Deadline |
Amgen Scholars Program in Science and Biotechnology (Asia) |
The Amgen Scholars Asia Program provides funded summer research opportunities at several universities in Asia. The Program is open to students in all disciplines related to the discovery, development, manufacture, and delivery of human therapeutics, as well as the overall biomedical and biotechnology enterprise. Students work in labs with faculty mentors and attend a research symposium at the National University of Singapore. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
4th year may only apply if returning for undergraduate study in the following fall. | Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Early February |
Amgen Scholars Program in Science and Biotechnology (United States) |
The Amgen Scholars US Program provides funded summer research opportunities at several universities in the US. The Program is open to students in all disciplines related to the discovery, development, manufacture, and delivery of human therapeutics, as well as the overall biomedical and biotechnology enterprise. Students work in labs with faculty mentors and attend a research symposium in California. |
Apply As (Status): 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
4th year may only apply if returning for undergraduate study in the following fall. | Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Early February |
Astronaut Scholarship |
Astronaut Scholarships provide up to $15,000 and mentoring to students who intend to conduct research or advance their field across the breadth of STEM fields. |
Apply As (Status): 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
UVA Contact |
UVA Deadline: Early March |
Barry Goldwater Scholarship |
The Barry Goldwater Scholarship provides scholarship funding for students pursuing research in the natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics. The Goldwater Scholarship awards $7,500 per year remaining in the undergraduate program (two for 2nd year recipients, one for 3rd year) and covers educational expenses such as tuition and room and board. |
Apply As (Status): 2nd year, 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
A 2nd year has two years, or four semesters, of study before obtaining the bachelor's degree. A 3rd year has one year, or two semesters, of study remaining. US National or Permanent Resident only applies to permanent residents. |
UVA Contact |
Fellowship deadline: Late January |
Beckman Scholars |
Each year, the Beckman Scholars program provides one or more $21,000 scholarships to students who will work in select mentors’ laboratories for two summers and an academic year. The scholarship promotes a professional level of research achievement during the undergraduate years in chemistry, biochemistry, and the biological and medical sciences. Scholars take a technical writing course, present their work at academic conferences, and are ideally expected to publish their research in a peer-reviewed science journal. |
Apply As (Status): 2nd year, 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
UVA Website |
UVA Deadline: February |
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship |
The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship provides funding for students with limited financial resources to study or intern abroad, thereby gaining skills critical to US national security and economic prosperity. Award amounts vary depending on the length of time abroad and student need for a maximum of $5,000. If the student is studying a critical need language, supplemental funding of up to $3,000 may be awarded. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: Yes
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
Financial need means that a student be receiving a Federal Pell Grant both at the time of application and during the term of the study abroad program. | Fellowship Website |
UVA Deadline: Various |
Boren Fellowship |
The Boren Fellowship provides funding for study abroad in less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to US interests and underrepresented in study abroad (i.e. not Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or countries in Western Europe). The Boren Fellowship provides up to $24,000 for a study abroad program that is 12 weeks to one year long. Up to $30,000 may be awarded if there is supplementary domestic language study involved. Fellows must commit to work for the federal government for at least one year after graduating. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
4th year or alumni must be applying to graduate programs. | Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Late January |
Boren Scholarship |
The Boren Scholarship provides funding for study abroad in less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to US interests and underrepresented in study abroad (i.e. not Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or countries in Western Europe). The Boren Scholarship provides up to $24,000 for a study abroad program that is 12 weeks to one year long. Up to $30,000 may be awarded if there is supplementary domestic language study involved. Scholars must commit to work for the federal government for at least one year after graduating. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
4th year must defer graduation from UVa until the end of the study abroad period in order to accept the Boren. | UVA Contact |
Fellowship deadline: Early February |
CGH University Scholar Award |
The Center for Global Health (CGH) University Scholar Award funds students to design and implement a project related to global health with the support of mentors both at UVa and abroad. Students may design a new project or build upon an existing one. Awards range from $2,500 for individuals to $10,000 for teams. All scholars are expected to present in the CGH symposium. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year, Graduate Student
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
UVA WebsiteUVA Contact |
UVA Deadline: January |
Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Fellowship |
The Rangel Graduate Fellowship is for those aspiring to careers in the U.S. Foreign Service who are applying to a two-year master's program related to foreign affairs for the upcoming academic year. The Fellowship provides funding for educational expenses (tuition and fees, room and board) and a stipend. Fellows are placed in two summer internship (one on Capitol Hill, one abroad at a U.S. embassy) and receive mentorship from a Foreign Service Officer during their Fellowship. Fellows who successfully complete the Rangel Program and Foreign Service entry requirements receive appointments in the State Department Foreign Service and must commit to five years of work in the Foreign Service. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Late September |
Charles H. Koch Award to Support Internships Related to Foreign Affairs |
The Charles H. Koch Jr. Award provides financial support to help cover the expenses of internships in international affairs, public policy, and/or legal studies for undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Internships can take place in the U.S. or abroad. Funds can be used for travel, housing, and living expenses over the course of your internship. Award amounts vary according to the duration, location, and costs associated with an internship, and are capped at $5000. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
The award is not restricted to Politics majors. | UVA Website |
UVA Deadline: Various |
Churchill Scholarship |
The Churchill Scholarship provides tuition and a living stipend for students to pursue a one-year master's degree at the University of Cambridge in science, mathematics, or engineering. The Scholarship also provides funding for travel to and from the UK and the possibility to apply for additional research funding. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
Graduate students and alumni must have received their undergraduate degree within the past 12 months. | UVA Contact |
UVA Deadline: September |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Undergraduate Research Program |
The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Undergraduate Research Program (URP) funds students to conduct summer research for ten weeks on an ongoing project at the Laboratory. Cold Spring Harbor's research specialities are molecular biology and cancer, genetics and genomics, neuroscience, plant biology, and quantitative biology. In addition to living and researching at the laboratory, students attend workshops and present their research in a symposium at the end of the summer. |
Apply As (Status): 2nd year, 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: January |
Columbia Business School Summer Research Internship |
The Columbia Business School Summer Research Internship funds students to work on a research project with CBS' faculty on a research project in finance, economics, marketing, management, decision sciences, operations, accounting, or data analytics. Internships typically run from late May to early August. Students from any major may apply. |
Apply As (Status): 2nd year, 3rd year, Graduate Student
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
The program is designed for 2nd and 3rd year undergraduates and 1st year Master's students. Under exceptional circumstances students in other years may apply. | Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Early March |
Critical Language Scholarship |
The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) funds undergraduate and graduate students of all levels and areas of study to attend an overseas CLS Institute for language studies and cultural immersion over the summer. Languages offered are those deemed critical to national security and economic prosperity. CLS Institutes last from 8 to 10 weeks and provide 20 hours per week of language study and structured cultural engagement experiences. The Scholarship covers most fees associated with traveling to and attending the Institute. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year, Graduate Student
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: November |
DAAD Graduate Research Scholarships |
DAAD Graduate Research Scholarships offer a variety of funding schemes to pursue academic research at a German university. Grants are available for long-term stays (7-10 months), for short-term stays (1-6 months), and for doctoral exchange programs. The scholarships provide a living stipend to support students during their stay. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Alumni must have received their most recent degree within the previous six years. Deadlines are in November and/or May. |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Various |
DAAD Graduate Study Scholarship |
DAAD Study Scholarships provide funding for students to pursue graduate study at a German university. Scholarships can be used to fund either a full Master's degree program or study in Germany as part of a graduate degree program completed in the student's home country. For students seeking a Master's degree, grants usually last between 10 and 24 months; for students going to Germany as part of a graduate program at home, grants are available for one year. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Alumni must have received their most recent degree within the previous six years. | Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Early November |
DAAD RISE Germany |
DAAD RISE Germany (Research Internships in Science and Engineering) offers undergraduate students in the sciences a summer research internship in a German lab. Students apply to projects of interest, and selected applicants are matched to a project with a German PhD student as their mentor. German language is not required and the working language will be English. |
Apply As (Status): 2nd year, 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: December |
DAAD RISE Professional |
DAAD RISE Professional (Research Internships in Science and Engineering) offers master's and doctoral students in the sciences a three-month internship (summer or fall) at a German company. Students apply to internships of interest to them, and selected applicants are matched to a company. All participants receive a scholarship from DAAD and an additional stipend from their host company/institution to help cover living expenses. German language requirements vary according to the internship placement. |
Apply As (Status): Graduate Student
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: December |
Davis Projects for Peace |
Davis Projects for Peace funds a student or team of students to complete a self-designed summer project that is a building block towards sustainable peace. Projects may take place anywhere in the world and focus on conflict resolution and/or prevention, broadly defined. Projects are funded for a maximum of $10,000. UVa nominates one winner and one alternate to the Davis Foundation for funding. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
Applicants may partner with students from other universities to complete the project. | UVA Contact |
UVA Deadline: January |
Dee Family Global Scholarship |
The Dee Family Global Scholarship provides financial support to students applying to study or conduct research abroad that demonstrates engagement with the host community and the potential for long-term enquiry. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year, Graduate Student
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: Yes
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
Must be enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences. Summer, fall and year-long programs apply by March deadline. January and spring programs apply by October Deadline. |
UVA Website |
UVA Deadline: Various |
Double Hoo Research Grant |
The Double Hoo Award supports a pair of undergraduate and graduate students to pursue research together as a team. The undergraduate student will gain experience conducting academic research and the graduate student will gain experience as a research mentor. The Award provides funding up to $6,000 to be shared by the pair at their discretion; $500 is given to their faculty advisor for research support. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, Graduate Student
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
3rd year students are only eligible if they are transfer students | UVA Website |
UVA Deadline: Late January |
Ertegun Graduate Scholarship Programme in the Humanities |
The Ertegun Graduate Scholarship provides funding for a full-time graduate degree (master's or doctoral) in many of the humanities programs at the University of Oxford. The award covers tuition and fees and provides a living stipend. Ertegun Scholars are given personal study space in Ertegun House, the program's home. Ertegun House also offers space for academic and social events for scholars. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: January |
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship |
The Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship provides $24,000 across three years for students in the beginning years of a doctoral (i.e. dissertation-required) program. Many fields are eligible. Ford Fellows also attend a conference of Ford Fellows and are members of a large alumni network. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Other Citizen includes only those granted deferred action status under DACA, political asylees, and refugees. Graduate Students includes only those with a minimum of three years remaining in their program. |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: December |
Fulbright UK Summer Institutes |
The Fulbright UK Summer Institutes are three to four week academic and cultural programs offered at universities across the UK. Each Institute has its own thematic focus around which coursework, research projects, and trips are designed. The US-UK Fulbright Commission funds all tuition and fees, accommodation, and round-trip airfare to the Institute. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
2nd year means a student with two years remaining before graduation. | Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Early February |
Fulbright US Student Program |
The Fulbright US Student Program provides grants for graduate study, research, art, or teaching English in participating countries outside the US. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
UVA Contact |
UVA Deadline: Early September |
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad |
The Fulbright-Hays funds doctoral students to conduct research in other countries, in modern foreign languages and area studies for periods of 6-12 months. |
Apply As (Status): Graduate Student
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
All UVA applications must be submitted to the Arts & Sciences Office of Research Administration for institutional submission. To allow time for applications to be processed, the internal deadline will be earlier than that posted on the DDRA website. |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: February |
Gates Cambridge Scholarship |
The Gates Cambridge Scholarship funds students to pursue a full-time, residential graduate degree at the University of Cambridge. These degrees include one and two year master's and three year doctoral programs in nearly all fields of study; the few exceptions are noted on their website. The Scholarship covers tuition, living expenses, and round-trip travel to Cambridge, with some additional funding available for research and the like. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Other Citizen means a citizen of any country except for the United Kingdom. | Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: October |
George J. Mitchell Scholarship |
The George J. Mitchell Scholarship provides funding for one year of postgraduate study in any field of study at an institution in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland. The goal of the Mitchell Scholarship is to connect future American leaders to the Ireland. The Scholarship provides tuition, accommodation, and a stipend for living expenses and travel. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
Applicants must not have yet turned 30 on September 28 of the application year. | UVA Contact |
UVA Deadline: Late August |
Gilman-McCain Scholarship |
The Gilman-McCain Scholarship provides funding for undergraduate child dependents of active duty service members to study or intern abroad on credit-bearing programs. Award amounts vary depending on the length of time abroad and student need for a maximum of $5,000. If the student is studying a critical need language, supplemental funding of up to $3,000 may be awarded. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: Yes
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
The program is open to eligible students who receive any type of Title IV federal financial aid. | Fellowship Website |
UVA Deadline: Various |
Hannah Graham Memorial Award |
The Hannah Graham Memorial Fund Award supports a year-long educational engagement related to a topic or issue relevant to promoting health and development and/or to reducing the incidence and/or severity of violence against women and girls. Students propose an international field placement for at least eight weeks, preferably in a French-speaking country. In the semesters prior to and after the field placement students propose related coursework or mentored independent study to prepare for and then build on knowledge and skills gained during the field experience and to work to disseminate findings and consider options for sustained engagement with the host community. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
UVA Website |
UVA Deadline: December |
Harry S. Truman Scholarship |
The Harry S. Truman Scholarship provides funding for master's, doctoral, or professional degrees for students hoping to become change agents in government, nonprofit, and/or education sectors. The Truman Scholarship is tenable at any US institution. Scholars participate in the Truman Summer Institute during their award period. After completing their degree, Scholars commit to spending three out of the next seven years working in a field of public service. |
Apply As (Status): 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
3rd year is defined in the following two ways: (1) a student with junior-level academic standing, i.e. will graduate in the next academic year; (2) a student with senior-level academic standing in their third year of study. US National/Permanent Resident includes only people from the Pacific Islands who are US nationals or permanent residents of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Resident aliens are not eligible. Students in the process of being awarded US citizenship will need to become citizens prior to the date of the award (usually in late May of the year of selection). |
UVA Contact |
UVA Deadline: Early December |
Hertz Graduate Fellowship Award |
The Hertz Graduate Fellowship Award supports doctoral study at a US institution in applied physical and biological sciences, mathematics, and engineering. The Award provides a $32,000 living stipend and the full cost of tuition, both renewable for five years. Funding may be combined with other awards. Recipients must attend a Hertz Foundation partner institution or petition the Foundation for permission to attend another school. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Successful applicants already enrolled in a doctoral program are usually in their first year of study, although the Foundation is willing to make exceptions in cases of exceptional leverage. | Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Late October |
HHMI Janelia Undergraduate Scholars Program |
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Janelia Undergraduate Scholars Program funds a ten-week summer research internship in Ashburton, VA. STEM students with prior research experience, programming experience, and an interest in the STEM fields relevant to the work done at HHMI Janelia are eligible to apply. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year, Graduate Student
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Masters degree-level applicants must not yet have committed to a PhD program to be eligible. | Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Early January |
Humanity in Action Fellowship |
The Humanity in Action Fellowship funds participation in one of several month-long summer programs that explore national histories of discrimination and resistance as well as contemporary issues affecting minority groups. Programs are offered in several European countries and in the US. The summer program offers a series of lectures and visits to relevant organizations and cultural sites and connects students to visiting speakers. After the program, students have a year to initiate an Action Project on an issue in their own communities. |
Apply As (Status): 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Other Country means students and recent graduates from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Poland, Ukraine and the United States. Students and recent graduates of other nationalities may apply if they are enrolled in or have recently graduated from a university in one of the countries listed above. | Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Early January |
Institute for Practical Ethics and Public Life Summer Ethics Internship Program |
IPE Summer Ethics Internship Program supports students pursuing summer internships related to the IPE's goals. Students have a variety of placements in private and governmental contexts in both domestic and international settings. Internships may involve research, service, learning, or some combination of these. |
Apply As (Status): 2nd year, 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
IPE will discuss specific financial arrangements after they have received notification of their awards. | UVA Website |
UVA Deadline: Early December |
IWL Research Abroad Award |
The IWL Research Abroad Scholarship provides up to $3,000 to students proposing to conduct research abroad. Students must have demonstrated exceptional abilities in the acquisition of any world language and culture, as well as great scholarly promise and potential to carry out a research project abroad. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
UVA Website |
UVA Deadline: Early March |
Jackson Laboratory Summer Student Program |
The Jackson Laboratory Summer Student Program funds students to conduct summer research in genetics and genomics research with a mentor at a Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, ME or Farmington, CT. Students participate in an ongoing research program with the support of an experienced scientific mentor. They develop an independent project, implement their plan, analyze the data, and report the results. At the end of the summer, they present their findings to researchers, other students, and parents. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Early February |
James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program |
The James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program is a salaried, one-year fellowship at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DC. Junior Fellows work as research assistants to senior scholars. In this capacity, they have the opportunity to conduct research for books, co-author journal articles and policy papers, participate in meetings with high-level officials, contribute to congressional testimony, and organize briefings attended by scholars, journalists, and government officials. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
Alumni includes only those with a bachelor's degree from UVa who have graduated within the previous academic year. Graduate student includes only those who are completing a joint bachelor's/master's degree program. All other graduate students are ineligible. Other Citizen means an international student at UVa who is eligible to work in the United States for a full twelve months from approximately August 1 through July 31 following graduation. Students who are on F-1 visas who are eligible to work in the United States for a full year may apply for the program. |
UVA Contact |
UVA Deadline: Late November |
James Madison Graduate Fellowship |
The James Madison Graduate Fellowship offers graduate school funding for aspiring secondary school teachers of the American Constitution. Fellowship applicants must be applying for a master's degree program (MA, MAT, or MEd) at an accredited US university, and the degree must include substantial coursework on the American Constitution. The Fellowship provides a maximum of $24,000 over the course of the degree program for academic fees. Graduate Fellows then go on to teach American history, government, or civics relating to the Constitution to secondary students for one year per year of funding received. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Early March |
Kenan Award |
The Kenan Fellowship funds undergraduate and graduate students to pursue full-time summer research that increase public understanding of the Academical Village. These research projects may include architectural or field internships; development of exhibitions and other educational opportunities to inform and engage the public (of all ages) in the history, evolution, and restoration of this World Heritage site; preparation of materials on historic preservation for publication and public distribution; and other educational outreach initiatives. The Fellowship provides $4,000 for recipients and $1,000 for their faculty advisors. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, Graduate Student
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
UVA Website |
UVA Deadline: Late January |
Knight-Hennessy Scholars |
The Knight-Hennessy Scholarship funds students to pursue any graduate degree at Stanford University. Knight-Hennessy Scholars receive full funding for their program and a living stipend. While their primary academic affiliation is with their department, Knight-Hennessy Scholars spend regular time together in academic, professional, and social events and activities. They also develop leadership skills through mentoring and experiential learning trips. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Students are eligible to apply within four years of earning their first/bachelor's degree. US military (active or veteran) applicants may apply within six years of earning their first/bachelor's degree. | Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: September |
Leadership Alliance Summer Research - Early Identification Program |
SR-EIP offers closely mentored research experiences in the life and physical sciences, social and behavioral sciences, and the humanities at 20 research institutions. The program is for students interested in pursuing a PhD or MD-PhD. Students receive a stipend, travel and housing expenses. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Early February |
Lorna Sundberg International Scholarship |
The Lorna Sundberg International Scholarship was created in 2003 to honor the dedication to community service that marked the life of the International Center's leader from 1981-1998. Scholarships vary between $2000-$4500 for the recipient's 4th year at the university. |
Apply As (Status): 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
Students with full scholarships for their 4th year are not eligible. | UVA Website |
UVA Deadline: Late March |
Luce Scholars Program |
The Luce Scholars Program provides job placement and language training in Asia for young leaders with little exposure to Asia. All scholars are offered personalized job placement in the region on the basis of their professional interests, background, and qualifications. The Luce Program begins with an orientation in the US followed by intensive language training in Asia in July and August; job placement begins in September and concludes in July. Scholars may come from any background except for Asian Studies as the program intends to provide young leaders in American society with an understanding of Asia. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
Graduate students and alumni are allowed to apply so long as they have not yet turned 30 by July 1 of the year they enter the program. | UVA Contact |
UVA Deadline: October |
Marshall Jevons Fund |
The Marshall Jevons Fund awards small grants of up to $1000 to support research projects and academic travel in the field of economics. Typical uses of the funds include attending conferences, conducting interviews, and acquiring specialized data. Students must be enrolled in an economics course or pursuing research related to economics. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year
Apply As (Citizenship): Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
Requests must be submitted at least one month in advance of the date of travel or research. | UVA Website |
UVA Deadline: Various |
Marshall Scholarship |
The Marshall Scholarship funds young Americans to pursue a graduate degree or combination of degrees at any institution in the United Kingdom. Two-year scholarships may be used to fund two one-year master's degrees (at the same or different institutions), a two-year master's degree, or the first two years of a longer degree program; some three year extensions are available. One-year scholarships are also available. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
Graduate students and alumni include only those who have received their bachelor's degree within the past two years. | UVA Contact |
UVA Deadline: Late August |
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Summer Programs |
The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center offers several programs for students to conduct summer research. Programs are available in biomedical research, chemical biology, computational biology, engineering, molecular imaging, and quantitative sciences. Student interns receive a stipend for summer support. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Early February |
Michel David-Weill Scholarship |
The Michel David-Weill Scholarship provides funding for a two year master's program at Sciences Po in Paris. Sciences Po specializes in the social sciences, offering many programs in the Schools of Public Affairs, International Affairs, Management and Innovation, Journalism, the Law School, and the Urban School. Most programs are taught in English. The Scholarship awards $80,000 for academic and living expenses. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
UVA Contact |
UVA Deadline: November |
Mount Vernon Leadership Fellows |
The Mount Vernon Leadership Fellows program is a six-week summer program focused on developing leadership skills. Fellows live near the Mount Vernon estate, meet with DC area leaders, study leadership skills and styles, and develop a capstone project with an individual mentor. The program provides room, board, transportation, and a $3,000 stipend. |
Apply As (Status): 2nd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Late January |
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship |
The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship provides funding for a PhD in fields of military significance. The Fellowship is tenable at any US institution; a list of eligible disciplines may be found on their website. The Graduate Fellowship provides funding for up to three years and pays for tuition and fees, a living stipend, and a contribution to health insurance. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Graduate student includes only those in their first or second year in their program. Applicants who have received a Medical Degree or a PhD in a science or engineering field are ineligible. US National or Permanent Resident only applies to US nationals, i.e. native residents of a possession of the US (e.g. American Samoa). |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: December |
National Geographic Early Career Grant |
National Geographic Early Career grants provide funding for students and young professionals to develop and execute a project on conservation, education, research, storytelling, or technology. Projects should related to one of National Geographic's three lenses (wildlife, human journey, changing planet). Grants are typically offered for $5,000 or a maximum of $10,000, and projects may be up to one year long. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Applicants must be over 18 years old and have less than five years of professional experience related to the project. | Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Various |
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) |
The NIST SURF funds an 11-week summer research internships in NIST labs in Gaithersburg, MD and Boulder, CO. Students work in a laboratory under the supervision of an NIST scientist or engineer and present the results of their research at a symposium at the end of the summer. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Early March |
NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program |
The NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program funds students to pursue a PhD or MD-PhD in biomedical sciences. Students pursue two years of research at NIH followed by two years of research at either Oxford or Cambridge with mentors of their choice. Students receive their PhD or DPhil from either Oxford or Cambridge. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Candidates must apply for both the program and the invidividual university they wish to attend. | Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Early December |
NIH Summer Internship Program (SIP) in Biomedical Research |
The NIH SIP is a ten-week summer internship program that funds students to pursue research in a lab at NIH. In addition to research experience, the SIP provides opportunities for professional development and holds a symposium for students to present the results of their summer work. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year, Graduate Student
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Early March |
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship |
The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP) provides funding for research-based master's or doctoral degrees in STEM fields. Funding is provided for up to three years and is tenable at any US institution. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Graduate student includes only those who have not yet completed the second year of their program, or those who are returning to graduate study after an interruption of more than two consecutive years. | Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Late October |
NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) |
NSF REUs fund students to conduct research in the summer and/or academic year at an NSF REU site in the US or abroad. NSF provides a database of REU opportunities available each year. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Various |
Pasteur Foundation Summer Internship Program |
The Pasteur Institute Undergraduate Internship Program funds students to conduct research at the Institut Pasteur in Paris for ten weeks over the summer. The Institute's primary focus is on infectious diseases. |
Apply As (Status): 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Knowledge of French is not necessary, but a desire to learn it is advisable. | Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Late January |
Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans |
The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans provides funding for immigrants and children of immigrants for one to two years of graduate study in the US. Soros Fellows may pursue any degree program in any field at any US institution. The Fellowship provides a living stipend and 50% of tuition and fees. There is also an annual Fall Conference that Fellows are funded to attend. Recipients join an active network of current and past Fellows. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellows must be 30 or younger by the time they are selected. New American status is defined as follows: (1) both of the applicant's parents must have been born outside of the US as non-US citizens, and both must not have been eligible for US citizenship at the time of their births; (2) one or more of the following criteria must be true of the applicant by the application deadline: (i) born in the US; (ii) naturalized citizen; (iii) green card; (iv) adopted; (v) DACA. See the website for further details on these criteria. |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Early November |
Rare Book School Fellowship Program |
The Rare Book School Fellowship Program funds students to attend a week-long summer course at RBS. The course must be related to a year-long project that the student will complete over the next academic year. The RBS will then publish the project online. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, Graduate Student
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
UVA Website |
UVA Deadline: Late March |
Raven Society Fellowships |
The Raven Society awards fellowships of up to $2500 towards independent research projects for the summer and fall. All research topics will be considered. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year, Graduate Student
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
UVA Website |
UVA Deadline: Early March |
Rhodes Scholarship |
The Rhodes Scholarship provides funding for postgraduate study at the University of Oxford. Rhodes Scholars may pursue nearly any degree, including a second bachelor's degree. Funding is normally provided for two or three years (depending on program length) and provides for tuition, fees, and a living stipend. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
Applicants either must not yet have turned 24 by the time of application, or not yet have turned 27 if they have completed their first undergraduate degree within the last two years. | UVA Contact |
UVA Deadline: Late August |
Schwarzman Scholars |
Schwarzman Scholars funds students to pursue a one-year master's degree in Global Affairs at Tsinghua University in Beijing. The program includes leadership training and a variety of fieldwork experiences to complement academic coursework. Scholars live together in Schwarzman College where courses, lectures, and social activities take place. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Late September |
Stanford Law School Empirical Research Fellowship |
The Stanford Law School Empirical Research Fellowship funds recent collegegraduates to pursue empirical research with a faculty member in the Stanford Law School. In addition to research, fellows have opportunities for professional development and may audit courses free of charge. The Fellowship offers excellent experience for students considering graduate school, law school, or business school in the future. Fellowships are for one year and may be renewed for a second. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Late October |
Summer Internship in Lived Theology |
The Summer Internship in Lived Theology is a funded, immersion program designed to complement the numerous existing urban and rural service immersion programs flourishing nationally and globally by offering a unique opportunity to think and write theologically about service. Selected participants spend the summer interning with the partnering institution of their choice. Interns are provided with two mentors, one faculty member and one on site, to offer guidance in reading, discussing, and writing about selected texts and to shape his/her work experience. Awards will be made up to $4,000. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
UVA Website |
UVA Deadline: March |
The Beinecke Scholarship |
The Beinecke Scholarship provides funding for master's and doctoral degrees in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, neuroscience excluded. The Beinecke awards $4,000 immediately prior to graduate study and $30,000 during graduate studies to supplement other financial support. U.Va. may nominate only one student per year for the Beinecke. |
Apply As (Status): 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: Yes
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
3rd year is a student who will receive the bachelor's degree in the next academic year. US National or Permanent Resident is here defined as a US National from American Samoa or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Having financial need is here defined as having a history of receiving need-based institutional, state, or federal grants. |
UVA Contact |
UVA Deadline: Early December |
The Harrison Undergraduate Research Award |
The Harrison Undergraduate Research Award funds students to pursue a research project over the summer and the course of the following academic year. Research may be conducted in any field. Recipients are awarded up to $3,000 for their research. Students must be enrolled full-time and remain enrolled through the duration of the project. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
UVA Website |
UVA Deadline: Late January |
The Long Nguyen and Kimmy Duong Scholarship Program |
The Long Nguyen and Kimmy Doung Scholarship Program awards annual, renewable scholarships of $1,000-$2,000 to Vietnamese-American students and student from Vietnam. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: Yes
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: February |
The Madison Lane and Rugby Road Charitable Trust Visual Arts Prize |
The Madison Lane and Rugby Road Charitable Trust Visual Arts Prize is intended to expand students’ opportunities for creative expression and to showcase significant accomplishments in the Arts. The prize will award one outstanding undergraduate or graduate artist $2,500. All work must have been created while in residence at the University of Virginia within the current academic year. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year, Graduate Student
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
UVA Website |
UVA Deadline: Early March |
Thermo Fisher Scientific Antibody Scholarship Program |
The Thermo Fisher Scientific Antibody Scholarship Program awards funding for tuition and fees to for students majoring in biology, chemistry, bio-chemistry and related life science fields. Awards of $5,000 and $10,000 are given to students who best exemplify the values of Integrity, Intensity, Innovation or Involvement. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year, Graduate Student
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: May |
Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship |
The Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship is for aspiring US Foreign Service Officers applying to a two-year master's program related to foreign affairs for the next academic year. The Pickering Fellowship provides funding for tuition and fees, room and board, and other educational expenses. Fellows are placed in two summer internship with the State Department (one domestic, one abroad) and provided with a stipend. Pickering Fellows receive mentorship and leadership training during their Fellowship and enter the Foreign Service upon graduation. Fellows must commit to working for the Foreign Service for five years. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: September |
Udall Undergraduate Scholarship |
The Udall Undergraduate Scholarship provides funding for students committed to leadership and public service related to issues of the environment or Native American nations. Recipients are awarded $7,000 and become part of the large and active Udall Scholar alumni base. |
Apply As (Status): 2nd year, 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
Applicants interested in Tribal Policy and Native Health Care must themselves be Native Americans or Alaska Natives. Native American or Alaska Native is defined as any of the following: (1) enrolled member of a state or federally recognized Indian tribe or band, including any tribe or band terminated since 1940; (2) a descendant in first or second degree of an enrolled member of a state or federally recognized Indian tribe or band, who can demonstrate affiliation with the tribal community, according to criteria set by the Udall Foundation; (3) considered by the Secretary of the Interior to be an Indian for any purpose; (4) an Eskimo, Aleut, or other Alaska Native; (5) a permanent U.S. resident who is a member of the First Nations of Canada. |
UVA Contact |
UVA Deadline: February |
UK Fellows |
The UK Fellows Program funds graduating UVa students to teach and live abroad in a UK boarding school for one year. Fellows participate fully by assisting with classes, sport, and residence life. The best candidates are mature, responsible individuals who are eager to get involved. Teaching experience, formal or informal is helpful but not required. The ability to help coach a sport, even if it's not your greatest strength, is a plus. In some instances, coaching positions may be a school's priority. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
UVA Contact |
UVA Deadline: January |
Undergraduate Student Opportunities in Academic Research (USOAR) |
The Undergraduate Student Opportunities in Academic Research (USOAR) program provides paid research experience to rising 1st year, 2nd year, and transfer students without significant experience in research. Students conduct research 5-10 hours per week under the mentorship of a faculty advisor, and take a one-credit class: Introduction to Academic Research. Positions are available in many fields, including in the humanities and social sciences. USOAR seeks to attract students with financial need and from underrepresented populations and provide them with a path into research. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: Yes
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
Students must be eligible for Federal Work Study to apply. | UVA Website |
UVA Deadline: Early August |
University of Illinois-Chicago Summer Research Opportunities Program for Undergraduates |
UIC's Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) for Undergraduates funds students from historically underrepresented ethnic minority groups to conduct full-time research in Chicago with a UIC faculty member. In addition to providing research experience and mentorship, the SROP introduces students to broad fields of study, possible graduate programs, and how to become a competitive applicant for graduate school admission. The program lasts for ten weeks. |
Apply As (Status): 2nd year, 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Early February |
University of Maryland College of Behavioral and Social Sciences Summer Research Initiative |
University of Maryland College of Behavioral and Social Sciences Summer Research Initiative (SRI) funds research experience and mentoring to students interested in pursuing a doctoral degree in behavioral and social science fields. The program welcomes applications from students belonging to ethnic minority groups or whose research interests relate to diverse communities. The program lasts for ten weeks. |
Apply As (Status): 2nd year, 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: February |
University Undergraduate Award for Art Projects |
The University Undergraduate Award for Arts Projects funds undergraduate students to pursue a creative arts project over the summer and the course of the next academic year. Students may apply as individuals or as a group; students from all schools and majors can apply. Eligible projects might include - but are not limited to - writing or directing a play or film, writing a collection of poetry, designing costumes for a play, choreographing a dance, creating a sculpture, or composing or performing a piece of music. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
UVA Website |
UVA Deadline: Early February |
UROP International |
UROP International offers opportunities for summer research in a lab at Aachen University. In addition to research experience, students learn German, take workshops on intercultural learning, and have opportunities to explore Germany. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Prior knowledge of German is not necessary. | Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: January |
USAID Donald M. Payne International Development Graduate Fellowship Program |
The Payne Fellowship is for those aspiring to careers in the Foreign Service of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) who are applying to a two-year master's program related to foreign affairs for the upcoming academic year. The Fellowship provides funding for educational expenses (tuition and fees, room and board) and a stipend. Fellows are placed in two summer State Department internships (one domestic, one abroad) and receive mentorship during their Fellowship and in their early employment at USAID. Fellows who successfully complete the Payne Program and USAID Foreign Service entry requirements will receive appointments as USAID Foreign Service Officers and must commit to working in the Foreign Service for five years. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Late October |
UVA Small Research and Travel Grants |
The College of Arts and Sciences awards small research and travel grants for students conducting research, engaged in artistic activities, or traveling to present their work at conferences. Awards are typically capped at $1,500. |
Apply As (Status): 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: Yes |
Deadlines are in November and March. Small Grants may not be used to fund travel for or related to internships nor used in conjunction with coursework, certificate programs, or workshops. |
UVA Website |
UVA Deadline: Various |
Virginia Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Scholarship |
The Virginia Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Scholarship supports students in STEM fields working on a faculty-mentored research project with NASA or aerospace relevance. Awards are made for up to $8,500 in a combination of stipends and research funds for summer and/or academic year. |
Apply As (Status): 2nd year, 3rd year
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: No UVA Internal Award: No |
Fellowship Website |
Fellowship deadline: Late January |
Yenching Academy of Peking University |
The Yenching Academy of Peking University in Beijing is a fully-funded academic program offering a master's degree in China Studies. The program is taught in English. Students may take classes across six areas: Politics and International Relations, Philosophy and Religion, Literature and Culture, Law and Society, History and Archaeology, and Economics and Management. Chinese language study is also mandatory for international applicants. Scholars have the opportunity to apply for funding to remain in Beijing for a second year. |
Apply As (Status): 4th year, Graduate Student, Alumni
Apply As (Citizenship): US Citizen, US National or Permanent Resident, Other Citizen Financial Need Required: No
UVA Nomination/Endorsement Required: Yes UVA Internal Award: No |
UVA Contact |
UVA Deadline: Late November |